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  • Welcome to Fascination PUR worldwide!
  • Welcome to Hennecke Korea Ltd.

Welcome to Fascination PUR worldwide!

Welcome to Hennecke Korea Ltd.

There is not only one single special property that is responsible for the worldwide success story of polyurethane. Polyurethane products have as many properties as shapes and, therefore, they offer the PU processor almost unlimited possibilities. Plastics have long been an integral part in many areas of modern life. For seven decades, Hennecke GROUP has been developing and designing high-class machine and systems technology as well as process technology for polyurethane processing. Thanks to intensive research and development work, we are able to offer innovative systems and technologies with highly economic and ecological benefits tailored to meet our customers' requirements in a wide range of applications. Today, there is hardly any polyurethane-based product idea that cannot be realized by Hennecke GROUP.

Latest news and press releases

Hennecke, world-leading provider of polyurethane processing systems from Sankt Augustin, presents an important further development of its successful JFLEX series with the JFLEX evo. The new system generation for continuous production of slabstock foam sets new standards in terms of flexibility, efficiency and...

The ultra-compact system with a 54 m² footprint and a height of three meters saves valuable production space.

The PKS company from Stapelburg in the northern Harz region is one of the first companies to receive the new HIGHLINE MK2 from Hennecke‘s Next Generation series. Owner Markus Leßmann has been using the machine since June 2023 and reports on his initial experiences.

For more than 30...

The HIGHLINE MK2 in use at PKS: manual production of even the smallest series in premium quality (picture by Celine Schäfer)

At Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences, Department of Applied Logistics and Polymer Science, a team led by Prof. Dr. Gregor Grun and Prof. Dr. Sergiy Grishchuk is researching the use of bio-based or recycling-based raw materials in semiindustrial polyurethane processing as part of the international EU...

As part of the international EU project BIOMAT, a team from Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences is researching the use of bio-based or recycling-based raw materials in polyurethane processing. The practical tests are being performed with the LABFOAM pilot plant from Hennecke.

Hennecke’s polyurethane experts are continuously working on making machine and system technology even better and more efficient. A milestone was set by the Research department – which is currently working on enabling high-precision measurements in the metering operation of high-pressure metering...

Hennecke's research department uses an intelligent algorithm and high-precision measurement to record extensive process data, raising production to a new level.

Trade-fair participations

Event Location Date Website
JEC World Paris (France) March 05-07 jec-world.events
UTECH Europe Maastricht (Netherlands) April 23-25 utecheurope.eu
interzum bogota Bogota (Colombia) May 14-17 interzum-bogota.com
FOAM Expo North America Novi. Michigan (USA) June 25-27 foam-expo.com
formobile Sao Paulo (Brasil) July 02-05 formobile.com.br
PU China Shanghai (China) July 17-19 puchina.eu
UTECH Middle East Dubai (UAE) September 10-12 mefpu.com
FAKUMA Friedrichshafen (Germany) October 15-19 fakuma-messe.de
Foam Expo Europe Stuttgart (Germany) December 03-05 foam-expo-europe.com

Customer feedback

Glassline is a technological high-end product, the only one of its kind in the world. It combines Hennecke's comprehensive experience in terms of reaction moulding machinery and our long years of expertise regarding the encapsulation of automotive glass. In this way we define a new standard for glass encapsulation.

Hans Brandner, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter BBG GmbH & Co.KG (Germany)

Our long-standing, close partnership with Hennecke allows development processes to be accelerated, especially when it comes to new challenges.

Peter Egger, Divisional Management of the Technology Center for Lightweight Composites Engel Austria (Austria)

Our business partnership with Hennecke goes back many years and has always been characterised by constructive and professional co-operation. The investment in modern production technology is a cornerstone for future success in the market, just as the old plant used to be in the past.

Dr. Zeinab El-Ghazaly, CEO TAKI-Group (Egypt)

The multifunctional CSM technology convinced us right in Hennecke’s spray center. For Otto Bock, the new laboratory plant is an ideal solution with a far-reaching range of applications.

Dr. Peter Gansen, CEO Otto Bock Kunststoff GmbH (Germany)

PUR-CSM enables us to manufacture a product, which is pleasing to the eye because the Hennecke technology - in contrast to traditional production methods – gives us complete freedom regarding design.

George Magirescu, Founder and President Corium Urethane Technologies (Canada)

If anything, we regret not investing in Hennecke plant technology earlier.

Tushaar Gautam, Sheela Foam (India)

I associate Hennecke with excellent customer service, before, during and after an order is placed. What should especially be mentioned is the overall service and production assistance in the initial start-up phase.

Tushaar Gautam, Sheela Foam (India)

We are generally interested in surfaces that have a superior feel. The interior calls for the most different requirements and PUR-CSM has a clear potential for the manufacture of sprayed skins.

Wolfgang Ehnert, F.S. Fehrer Automotive GmbH (Germany)

The new high-pressure technology of Hennecke has proved itself extremely well within the production process and fulfils to our complete satisfaction the highest expectations in terms of quality and quantity.

Andy Hudspith, ISD Solutions (United Kingdom)

We wanted to provide our customers with the best slabstock products and so we needed the best equipment that was available on the market. By choosing the QFM, we were going for a production line that provides excellent foaming quality on the one hand and a very efficient use of raw materials on the other.

Francisco Herrera, CEO Ureblock S.A. de C.V. (Mexico)

We have doubled our production capacity since introducing the QFM systems – that speaks for itself and of course for Hennecke. With the help of NovaFLex® technology, we quickly became the leading providers of CFC-free foam products in the whole of Latin America.

Francisco Herrera, CEO Ureblock S.A. de C.V. (Mexico)

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